Monday, June 23, 2014

A Smile and a Wave

      Last weekend we took River Boy to the Yorkey-Rainey charity golf tournament. It's the one tournament that my husband religiously plays in every year. I haven't been in two years and decided we needed a family vacation. So River Boy and I were going too. The pairings party on Friday was in Scharf Hall on Duke University's campus. Which was open to the Duke Athletics Museum and Hall of Fame. It was quite impressive and I'm not even a Duke fan. Got to catch up with wonderful friends. Raise money for student scholarships. River Boy was making friends left and right. Anytime someone walked by, he'd stop whatever he was doing. Smile and wave. Then with squinty eyes he'd look at them and say "Hey". You couldn't help but smile and wave back. He was like a ray of sunshine.

      I have to admit. I was very hesitant to take River Boy to this tournament. We were staying in a really nice hotel. He's only recently started to sleep through the night. Meltdowns and hysteria could happen at anytime. The husband told me that there was nothing to worry about. Everything would be fine. Smile and wave. I laughed knowing that I was going to be the one to wrangle the 15mo monster toddler, not him. But what the hell.

I packed River Boy a bag of essentials for the over night trip.
- Milk - because I had a hunch that you would be able to get a milk in this hotel unless you paid $5 a glass. And that wasn't about to happen.
- A sippy cup and a bottle - Breaking him of the bottle habit is not going well.
- Graham crackers, blueberry muffins, yogurt thingys, applesauce. Things I knew he would eat.
- Jammies and 2 outfits
- Snoopy
- Sunscreen
- Diapers and wipes

     After the pairings party, we went back to the hotel. As suspected River Boy wanted to continue the party as well. Going to bed was not on his agenda. Not wanting to disturb any neighboring guests who are trying to sleep. I put him in his jammies and headed off to find the husband and friends. Walked through the bar. Smile and wave to everyone who glanced at him. Found our people hanging outside on the veranda. Only took 10 minutes with daddy and he was passed out. Slept the entire night!!!!

     Saturday morning we woke up early enough to find my husband and the other golfers before they teed off. We sat in my husband's golf cart to play while players were arriving. Every time a cart passed by or someone walked by, River boy would smile and wave. Occasionally he's give them that squinty eyed "Hey".
(He was much more interested in the little flags than the two golf balls I gave him.) 
       While the tournament was going on, River Boy and I took to the putting range. When at a fabulous golf  course like the Washington Duke Inn you must work on your puts. We had a very action packed couple of hours. Called some squirrels "uh-oh's". Discovered a lizard. Played with an "awe"-puppy. Ran into my husband halfway through. River Boy was very happy to see daddy. Played with a friend's daughter. Who bless her heart, chased after him more than I did.  

        Then just as the players were starting to finish up, River Boy fell asleep under the shade trees. He was able to get a 45 min nap in. Thank God because I knew he was exhausted. He woke up just as my husband came walking up the path. River Boy sees daddy. Smiles, waves and give the squinty eyed "Hey". 

What a wonderful weekend!

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